Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others!           1 Peter 4: 10a

'Garden of Prayer' time during every traditional worship service. 

Welcoming the youngsters:  We rejoice to involve our families’ children in as many parts of worship and service as possible, so that they grow up experiencing religion as a meaningful and rewarding part of their lives.

A Congregation for All Stages of Life 
Involving our children throughout the church
Nurturing their positive spiritual and social urges.

Seeking and Serving with Lots of Love
"The Church is called to know Christ and to serve Christ". 

The Vision of Central Christian Church

Called to Christ and to Service in His Name

The Vision of Central Christian Church is to be a community of people committed to Jesus Christ, empowered by the Holy Spirit, united in the love of God, and called to make that love real to others.

Community: Transformation happens in a community such as worship, Bible study, or prayer groups. These small groups build Christian community by building community with one another. People experience community in small groups.

Committed to Jesus Christ: Every person associated with the church is committed to becoming a disciple of Jesus Christ.

Empowered by the Holy Spirit: Transformation into Christ-likeness is not something we do, but something the Spirit of God does within us.

United in the love of God: Transformation comes when we allow God's love to grow in us and unite us with all other believers.

Making love real to others: The larger purpose of all the ministries of the church is to make the love of God in Christ a tangible reality in our world. At the foundation of all our actions is the desire to bring others into a loving relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

Mission Statement

The Mission of Central Christian Church Pueblo is to nurture and disciple families and individuals through small groups and special gatherings while always sharing God's love with everyone.

  • Nurturing: Leading current members and newcomers in support groups, classes, workshops, worship opportunities and mentoring activities to incorporate them into the living Body of Christ.
  • Discipleship: Leading the congregation in formal leadership training for every church ministry including Elders, Deacons, Team Leaders, Small Group Leaders for the development and nurturing of future leaders.
  • Small Groups: Engaging the congregation to participate in small groups focusing on caring relationships, prayer, Scripture, and ministerial emphasis seeking God's direction and encouraging new leaders.
  • Special Gatherings: Opportunities to bring the whole congregation and community together to share God's love.